Changing, Healing the World--Choice by Choice
Coming Summer 2024
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The True Health JournalTM Newsletter
Free for True Health Mastery Member Subscribers
Seeking Truth and Knowledge for Humanity;
Solutions For Transformative Personal Health
With Choices that Heal and Protect the Planet
Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert
Founder, CEO, Publishing Editor
Dear True Health Seeker,
The True Health Journal provides an efficient, direct approach to:
Learning how to achieve the greatest level of whole health possible.
Be instrumental in making poor health a thing of your past to live a life as your higher, most authentic self.
Enable you to pass on a priceless legacy of vibrant health knowledge and wisdom to future generations.
Your nutritional health choices encourage the behavior of entire industries that compete for your business. If we buy products and eat foods that ultimately cause harm to your health and also destroy the Earth, the only ones that profit are the producers of those harmful products, and no one else benefits.
The polluted conditions of the world's lands and water sources, including the world's oceans, the destruction of essential ecosystems and the tearing down of entire mountains through fracking, and increasing desertification through non-sustainable farming and logging or other overuse of the Earth's resources, only create hostile conditions that destroy life and which directly affect your health and the future of humankind.
The THJ helps bridge the gap between how you manage your health and how we as individuals and as an entire species can particpate in protecting and perpetuating an abundance of health and life on planet Earth. Your individual and personal everyday choices of what you eat, the products you buy, and the things you choose to study and learn about can either empower your life or destroy it, can contribute to influencing peace and harmony or contribute to greed, corruption, exploitation, pollution and war.
In teaching my clients for over three decades the holistic true health principles of authentic whole health, I have been privileged to witness a typical and inevitable profound shift as one's greater whole human potential is revealed, which naturally leads to elevated, enriched life transformations.
In complete cooperation with nature, rather than trying to conquer it, which historically, has never worked, it is vital to be correctly informed as to the science of how the human body works, and to have a thorough understanding of how critically interdependent our daily choices and actions are with the state of the planet.
We cannot escape that we are contributors to the ecology of the entire planet, which begins with our own inner ecology. Polluted, malnourished bodies equal degenerative diseased conditions; a cleansed environment can only result from non-polluting choices that make life thrive.
The True Health Journaltm brings you the information you need to know what to do to clean up your inner biological terrain, protect your health, inspire others to do the same, and by extension, automatically and collectively contribute toward a cleaner, healthier, thriving planet.
Informative teleseminars, podcasts, videos, books that help you increase your efficiency in reaching your true health and healthy lifestyle goals.
Invaluable, life-changing online courses which build your knowledge and help you gain greater awareness about issues affecting your health freedom.
Free reports and guidelines, live online forums for Q & A sessions to finally clear up misconceptions, misinformation and fraudulent dogma, and recognizing and removing obstacles to enable you to succeed rapidly in achieving the extra-ordinary health you are meant to have.
Your optimal health is of vital importance, as it is also critical at this point in human history that millions of individuals like you collectively take back the right to a healthier, peaceful, sustainable and perpetually regenerative world, now and for future generations, through the simple power of your own true health choices.
Your optimal health is of vital importance, as it is also critical at this point in human history that millions of individuals like you collectively take back the right to a healthier, peaceful, sustainable and perpetually regenerative world, now and for future generations, through the simple power of your own true health choices.
With great caring and in true health,
Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert, MS HN, BS NSP
Founder, CEO, Publishing Editor, The True Health Journaltm